My article, that I wrote a couple years ago - has been featured on and viewed more than 60K times ..
The pancha kachcham (panja kacham or kacham) is a form of wearing the dhoti, typically worn by grihasthas (men who are married) on special occassions such as poojas or festivals. It is typically a 8 or 9 yard dhoti worn in a specific woven way.
How to Wear a Pancha Kachcham
The pancha kachcham (panja kacham or kacham) is a form of wearing the dhoti, typically worn by grihasthas (men who are married) on special occassions such as poojas or festivals. It is typically a 8 or 9 yard dhoti worn in a specific woven way.
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Quite right! I like your thought. I suggest to fix a theme.